A Piece of Humble Pie.


Hello Beautiful Self,


Oh, what a wild ride today has been! Buckle up because I've got a story for you. So, picture this: I'm cruising through life, thinking I've got it all figured out, when BAM! Reality check, my friend. Today was all about growth and a generous sprinkle of humility.


You know, I've always been that "I got this" kind of person. If there was a problem, I'd tackle it solo, like a lone ranger armed with determination and a touch of stubbornness. But a few weeks ago, the universe decided to send me a wake-up call disguised as a heart-tugging conversation. It was like my soul whispered, "Hey, buddy, maybe it's time to ask for some help."


Now, here's the kicker—I hesitated. Why? Well, there's this tiny, pesky thing called pride, and it made me question what asking for help would look like. I mean, come on, I was practically raised with the mantra, "Thou shall not ask for assistance unless the world is about to end." But you know what I teach and coach? Ask and you shall receive! Oh, the irony.


Fast forward to today, and guess what? I had another one of those calls. And no, it wasn't about exchanging services or flexing our expertise muscles. It was about building connections, opening up, and being real. In the midst of it, my soul stepped up to the plate and said, "Hey, I need help." And then, there I was, standing there thinking, "WTF did you just do?" Classic me.


But you know what's crazy? After the initial shock wore off, I felt this calm, this peace, and a rush of excitement. Turns out, admitting that I needed help in a particular area of my life was like lifting a massive weight off my shoulders. It's an area that has always been a bit of a puzzle, a constant thorn in my side. I realized I was never taught how to navigate it, never saw the roadmap growing up. So, I did what any self-respecting expert in self-discovery would do—I sought help from the real pros.


And you know what? It was liberating. For the first time, I embraced the fact that, hey, I'm not invincible in every aspect of life. I can ask for help, receive it, and most importantly, accept it with open arms. Today, my gratitude dance is dedicated to my newfound humility, my ability to swallow my pride, and the simple joy of realizing that, yes, I am worthy of receiving guidance.


Here's to the messy, beautiful journey of self-discovery and the hilariously humbling moments that make it all worthwhile.


With love and laughter,



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