Embracing the Dance of Dependence, Consistency and Sustainability In life.


Dear Incredible Soul,


Today's entry is like a dope slap from your Angels – a reflection on the journey of dependence, frustration, growth, and a sprinkle of humor because, let's face it, life can be a bit of a comedy.


Let's start with gratitude. Your journey has been a rollercoaster, and here you are, expressing frustration. It's okay to feel it, acknowledge it, and then wrap it in a warm blanket of gratitude. Your amazing husband, the one who fills your days with love – what a blessing! The past six years have been a symphony of growth, and you credit him rightly for the melody.


Now, let's talk about the independent you. She's disoriented, confused, maybe even screaming a bit. That version of you loved the self-sufficiency dance, and now it's like she's in a new choreography. It's a different tune, but maybe, just maybe, it's a dance worth learning.


Looking back, you realize your foundation felt a bit shaky, a fear of one step away from failure. It's like rolling down a mountain, a snowball gaining momentum until the crash. And the worry, the stress – it's like a persistent shadow, playing hide-and-seek with your peace of mind.


Here's a dose of reality, sweet friend – you keep saying you're not stressed or worried, but the truth peeks through. It's there, just not as much. Perhaps it's time to shine a light on those shadows, acknowledge them, and then let them go. After all, you're the author of your story.


Now, the frustration of not being as self-sufficient as before – it's a valid feeling. But guess what? You're not less than. You're evolving, navigating a new landscape. It's like climbing a mountain every day, gaining momentum, and then the sudden stop. It's a tease, but life has a way of surprising us.


Ah, consistency – a delightful challenge. It's not just external; it's a dance within you. You start, gain momentum, and then, hello self-sabotage. It's a familiar tune, and perhaps it's time to change the melody. Sustainability is the new goal, the desire for steadiness in all areas of life.


Learning to be consistent is a journey, a commitment to being safe within yourself. Trust, my dear, is the key. Trusting your word, stopping the excuses, and being kind to yourself when the rhythm falters.


The essence of your foundation is evolving. It's about feeling safe, being present, and opening yourself up. This uncomfortable position of being taken care of? Embrace it. Your goal arrived, and now it's time to savor it, not just wait for the next act.


So, here's to you – to consistency, trust, and embracing the dance of life with all its twists and turns. You're safe, you're secure, and most importantly, you're evolving beautifully.


With love and laughter,



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