Unapologetically Me: A Soulful Thanksgiving Journey


Hey Beautiful Soul,


Today, as I stare into the mirror, I'm dishing out gratitude like confetti on Thanksgiving day. Buckle up because we're taking a journey into the depths of my Native American roots, mixed emotions, and a sprinkle of unexpected twists.


Thanksgiving – the day of thanks, right? Well, not for everyone. For many Native Americans, it's more like a harsh reminder of genocide, colonialism, and oppression. Smallpox blankets, Christianity, land grabs – it's a historical cocktail that's hard to swallow. But hey, I've decided to turn this day around, to honor my ancestors and spread some love.


For the past 8 days, I've been on a love bender, reaching out to the people who make my heart do the happy dance. The love I get in return fills up my family and relationship bucket, and let me tell you, it's overflowing with good vibes.


Today didn't go as planned, though. The grand idea was to volunteer, spread joy to those who might not have family or friends nearby. But life threw a curveball, and we're under the weather, healing our bodies by giving it the rest I deserve. Self-love, baby!


Gratitude is my jam today. Morning messages to family, friends, and clients have turned into a love-filled ritual. Expressing feelings? Well, that's a skill I'm still mastering. Growing up, feelings were locked away like a forbidden treasure. But, as I typed out those messages, a warmth brewed within me, like a cozy fireplace on a chilly night.


Mirror check, darling. I want you to know – every version of us is a masterpiece. The funny, corny side? Adorable. Bossiness? Necessary. Determination, resilience, and that kind and loving heart? Absolute gems. No matter the storms we've weathered, we've remained unapologetically optimistic about humankind.


Accepting people for who they are in the moment – that's my superpower. Because who am I to judge? And this includes us. Accepting me for who I am in the moment. And guess what? I've fallen head over heels in love with myself. The journey to self-love has been enduring, challenging, and oh-so-worth-it. No more carrying baggage of resentment or regrets. Those moments were stepping stones to where I am now – standing tall, unapologetically me.


So, here's the proclamation to the universe: Today, I give us PERMISSION TO BE unapologetically ourselves.


With sass, love, and a heart full of gratitude,



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