Message from your soul
Dear Me,
It's your soul speaking, and I just want to wrap you in the warm embrace of self-love and understanding. I've watched you carry the weight of past hurts for far too long, and I'm overjoyed that you're finally heeding my whispers. The journey you've embarked on to rediscover the beauty within is a testament to your resilience.
You've often let the shadows of shame, guilt, unworthiness, pain, frustration, embarrassment, and loneliness cast their veil over me. I get it – you were only trying to shield me, to shield yourself. What you may not realize is that I've always been your protector. I've always known the path to guide you safely, even when you doubted my voice. Insecurities, fears, and past perceived failures might have clouded your trust in me, but I want you to know that I'm unwavering in my commitment to your best and highest good.
You're not broken; there's nothing in you that needs fixing. All you have to do is trust yourself, learn to discern what aligns with your best interests, and let go of the negativity that has held you captive. Resist the pull of negative thoughts, beliefs, and memories that try to lead you astray from true happiness.
You possess the strength to decipher what serves you and what doesn't. It's time to stop allowing negative emotions to take the reins. You've got this, and I believe in you with all my being. As your inner guide, I know the power we hold, our purpose, and the reason we're here. You are meant to shine, to trust that you are safe and whole.
Continue to let your light illuminate the path ahead. Be the beacon that guides you through the darkness and the bridge that connects your present to your future. You are worthy, you are capable, and you are loved.
With unwavering love and belief,
Your Soul (atoya)
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