Surviving life's illusions


Dear Me,


There are moments in life when I feel like a mere observer, as if existence is unfolding without my active participation. It brings to mind the movie "The Truman Show," where the protagonist lived his life unaware that it was all a scripted television show, everyone around him playing paid actors. Just like Truman, we too may find ourselves living in self-created illusions.

 We tend to cling to things that no longer serve us, allowing past pain and emotions to guide our decisions. We observe others, attempting to emulate their actions and personalities, only to be disappointed when it doesn't yield the expected outcomes. Why do we subject ourselves to such punishment? Why the self-inflicted abuse?

 Yesterday, in my interactions with clients, a realization dawned on me. Each one of us carries around baggage—baggage that influences our decisions, keeping us ensnared in the illusions we've constructed. It echoes Erykah Badu's words about being a "bag lady." We drag these emotional bags with us everywhere, using them to navigate through life based on past learnings.

 Consider the analogy of the Matrix, suggesting that we live in an illusion orchestrated by external forces. It prompts contemplation about whether there are unseen puppeteers pulling the strings, leading us to witness repetitive cycles in society and in our personal lives. The exhaustion sets in as we seemingly fight the same battles repeatedly, eventually feeling stuck and yearning for freedom.

 Yet, underneath our masks and shields, there lies a deep-seated desire for freedom. The questions linger: Can we truly attain it? Is freedom a genuine possibility, both on a societal and individual level? These questions have haunted me for years, but now, a glimmer of understanding has emerged.

 I've come to see the light, the path toward liberation. It involves breaking free from preconceived expectations, liberating ourselves from the illusions we've woven. It's a powerful release to switch our mindset from how we think things should be to trusting that they will unfold as they are meant to. Expecting things to manifest in a specific way might cause us to miss the beauty of how they actually unfold.

 So, here's to us—embracing our authenticity, breaking free from illusions, and trusting in the journey. Cheers to just being us.

 Warm regards,



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