Tired of the Fight: Finding Freedom in Self-Love

Dear Me,

If I could be brutally honest with you, I'd say this: I'm tired. Truly, deeply exhausted. It's like my soul itself is weary, worn out from the constant battles, the endless cycles of giving everything I have only to watch it all crash down, forcing me to pick up the pieces and start over again. I'm just tired, you know? Tired of the fight. Tired of waking up every day and chasing after survival like it's some elusive prey.

But then, in the midst of this exhaustion, it hits me like a thunderbolt: what I'm really craving, what I truly desire above all else, is freedom. I long for ease, for that elusive break that never seems to come. I feel like I'm wandering in the wilderness, just like the Israelites did after leaving Egypt. When will I finally reach my promised land? And yet, even when they reached it, they had to fight tooth and nail just to hold onto it.

And then, in a moment of clarity, it dawns on me: my prison isn't some external force holding me back. It's my own lack of discipline, my failure to set boundaries, my refusal to respect myself, to obey my own needs, to appreciate and love myself fully. I've been denying myself, holding back the best parts of me and giving them away to everyone and everything else. My fulfillment has been stunted because I've refused to fully embrace who I am.

But today, right now, that changes. Today, I'm filling my cup. Sure, I've been doing some self-care, spending time nurturing myself, reading, meditating, journaling. But I've also been doing a lot of counterproductive things too. I've been beating myself up, carrying around blame and shame, drowning in regrets and resentments, all while feeling rejected and unloved.

But the truth is, I am deserving of love. I am pretty freaking awesome, if I do say so myself. And so, from this moment forward, I'm showing up for myself. I'm doing the things I love, the things that light me up inside. I want this. I'm determined to make it happen.

So, dear me, it's go time. It's time to step into my power, to embrace my worthiness, to love myself fiercely and unapologetically. It's time to live life on my own terms, to pursue my passions with all the fire and determination I possess.

Here's to me, to us, to the journey ahead.

With love and unwavering determination,



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