
Facing the Rage Within

 Today marks a pivotal moment in my journey. I stand at the precipice, facing the rage that has been simmering within me. It's time to confront it head-on. This rage, it's about me. It's about feeling like I should be further along, like I've endured so much and yet still find myself grappling with life. I'm tired of feeling unworthy, bored, and stuck in a cycle of misery despite the abundance of good around me. I'm enraged by my own expectations, by the relentless feeling of failure and the constant questioning of my worth. It's infuriating to sit in this place of stagnation, to play small and be the victim when deep down, I know there's a version of me ready to break free, ready to shine. Playing small may have offered a sense of control, but it's suffocating me. The version of me that's ready to go all in, to embrace my gifts and strengths, is pushing to the surface. She's done with waiting for the perfect moment, for everything to fall in

I thought I was Usain Bolt

  Hey Gorgeous Soul,   So, I was having this deep conversation with myself the other day – you know, the kind where you sit down, stare into the abyss, and suddenly become a philosopher. And guess what? We uncovered this wild pattern we've got going on. Like, seriously, it's been a constant in our lives, and it's not the good kind of consistency. More like the "Oh, why are we like this?" consistency.   Now, hubby, being the observant genius he is, pointed this out a couple of years ago. At first, we tried to play detective and debunk his theory, but guess what? The man was onto something. We lack that long-term endurance. It's like we start a race, sprint like Usain Bolt on caffeine, and then boom, we're out of steam before the finish line. It's almost like we're running a relay race, but we're the only one holding the baton. Not sustainable, my friend.   I get it, ADHD plays its part. But hey, as a healer, counselor, and all-around wise

Message from your soul

Dear Me, It's your soul speaking, and I just want to wrap you in the warm embrace of self-love and understanding. I've watched you carry the weight of past hurts for far too long, and I'm overjoyed that you're finally heeding my whispers. The journey you've embarked on to rediscover the beauty within is a testament to your resilience. You've often let the shadows of shame, guilt, unworthiness, pain, frustration, embarrassment, and loneliness cast their veil over me. I get it – you were only trying to shield me, to shield yourself. What you may not realize is that I've always been your protector. I've always known the path to guide you safely, even when you doubted my voice. Insecurities, fears, and past perceived failures might have clouded your trust in me, but I want you to know that I'm unwavering in my commitment to your best and highest good. You're not broken; there's nothing in you that needs fixing. All you have to do is trust yoursel

Closing The Tabs

  Dear Me,   This morning, as I tuned into my favorite YouTube sermon, a pop-up caught my attention—it was a notification about my laptop's power consumption. It made me pause and reflect. How many tabs are open in my mind and life? How much energy am I expending on these open tabs?   Currently on a 21-day fast, I've embarked on a journey to cultivate health in every aspect of my life—spiritual, mental, emotional, financial, relational, and career-wise. Instead of resolutions, I've opted for a year-long vision. This year, the focus is on achieving work-life harmony, replacing the elusive "balance" that always seems just out of reach.   During this fast, I've eliminated meat and alcohol, choosing to prioritize my well-being. Alcohol, a perennial first-quarter sacrifice, will be bid farewell for good this year. Dealing with acid reflux prompted me to reassess and commit to healing my insides, setting the stage for a vibrant, pain-free older age.  

Surviving life's illusions

  Dear Me,   There are moments in life when I feel like a mere observer, as if existence is unfolding without my active participation. It brings to mind the movie "The Truman Show," where the protagonist lived his life unaware that it was all a scripted television show, everyone around him playing paid actors. Just like Truman, we too may find ourselves living in self-created illusions.   We tend to cling to things that no longer serve us, allowing past pain and emotions to guide our decisions. We observe others, attempting to emulate their actions and personalities, only to be disappointed when it doesn't yield the expected outcomes. Why do we subject ourselves to such punishment? Why the self-inflicted abuse?   Yesterday, in my interactions with clients, a realization dawned on me. Each one of us carries around baggage—baggage that influences our decisions, keeping us ensnared in the illusions we've constructed. It echoes Erykah Badu's words about being

Dancing with Hope

  Good morning, Beautiful Soul!   This weekend was a revelation—a gentle whisper from our heart to just be, to savor the moments and fill your cup with the soothing elixir of self-care. As you immersed yourself in healing sessions and a soul-stirring sermon on Sunday, profound questions stirred within.   The healer's words echoed, asking, "What has it cost you to be out of alignment with who you are meant to be?" A pause, a moment of introspection, and the realization unfurled. It cost you dearly—health and relationships bore the weight of your journey. In the throes of illness, you clung to harmful habits, yearning for better yet reluctant to release the old. The grind of stress, neglect, and self-sacrifice took its toll.   But, oh, the transformation! A shift towards self-love, work/life harmony, and prioritizing your well-being emerged. You no longer bear the burdens of everyone's troubles; you've become the guardian of your own joy. A smile graced

Facing the Truth

  Dear Me, It's time to face the truth. The truth that you have been avoiding. The truth hiden behind the veil of unworthiness and preceived damage. As your soul.... I'm here to speak my truth....So here it goes..... I just want you to know how special you are. You often look at yourself thinking you made bad decisions in the past. But you didn’t. You experienced situations that made you be you. We all make choices; some we love, others we hate. But that is not a direct reflection of you as a person. Your heart is pure. You do things from a place of love. You have always seen the best in people when others see the worst. You have always been the champion of the underdog because you know what it feels like to be the underdog. You wake up every day with an excitement of what the day holds. You spend your day filling people’s cups. Helping them see their value within themselves. You are the biggest cheerleader. You have always wanted to see people win. You never place judgment o